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The energy standard for buildings has been revised: ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.1-2019: Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
The earliest human shelters guarded Paleolithic gatherers with basic protection from the elements and few amenities. Today, things are quite different, as buildings comprise complex systems that provide occupants with comfortable, safe, and attractive living and working environments. Red eye 32 payday 2 ps3 for mac game editor. However, this necessitates superior architecture and engineering designs and quality construction practices. In result, lighting, major appliances, electronics, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) can consume a great deal of energy.
As noted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the buildings sector accounts for about 76% of electricity use and 40% of all U.S. primary energy use and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To face energy and environmental challenges, it is crucial to reduce energy consumption in buildings. This also can lower costs to building owners and tenants.
What Does ASHRAE 90.1 Cover?
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.1-2019 helps meet this need by offering minimum energy-efficientguidelines for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance ofbuildings. It applies to new buildings and new portions of buildings and theirsystems, new systems and equipment in existing buildings, and new equipment orbuilding systems specifically identified in the standard that are part ofindustrial or manufacturing processes. The standard also provides criteria fordetermining compliance with these specifications.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.1-2019 does not apply to single-family houses, multifamily structures ofthree stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes),manufactured houses (modular), and buildings that use neither electricity nor fossilfuel.
Changes toANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2019
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.1-2019 revises the 2016 edition of the same American National Standard.In all, the current edition incorporates over 100 addenda to the 2016 edition,as well as numerous energy-saving measures. Changes were made to various areasthroughout, including administration and enforcement, the building envelope,lighting, mechanical, energy cost budget (ECB), the performance rating method,and compliance paths.
Notable changes to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.1-2019 include:
- “Commissioning requirements” were added to thestandard.
- Substantial expansions to section 4.2.5,“Verification, Testing, and Commissioning.”
- New Informative Appendix H, “Additional Guidancefor Verification, Testing, and Commissioning.”
- The categories of “nonmetal framed” and “metalframed” products were combined for vertical fenestration.
- Minimum criteria for solar heat gain coefficient(SHGC) and U-factor were upgraded across all climate zones.
- The air leakage section was revised to clarifycompliance.
- In the vestibule section, the standard refined exceptionsand added a new option for using air curtains.
- To reflect the outcomes of the fullyreconstructed ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1 lighting model, lighting powerallowances for the Space-by-Space Method and the Building Area Method weremodified. As mentioned in the standard, this model is “more representative ofreal-world conditions with the inclusion of updated IES recommendations, roomcavity ratios, additional surface reflectance categories, light loss factors,and a 100% LED technology baseline with updated efficacy values.”
- New section 9.2, “Compliance Paths,” was addedto cover a simple approach for designers who design or renovate office andretail buildings up to 25,000 ft2.
- Lighting control information for parking garageswere updated to account for the use of LED. The new edition increases “thestringency of the setback requirement to 50%” and reduces “the control timeoutfrom 20 minutes to 10 minutes.”
- Daylight responsive information was updated fromcontinuous dimming or stepped control to continuous dimming for all spaces.
- New definition added for continuous dimmingbased on NEMALSD-64-2014.
- Side-lighting guidance was updated to clarifythat the setback distance is a horizontal measurement, and the exception wasamended to include natural objects as an obstruction.
- Designers now have to option to use ANSI/ASHRAE90.4 instead of ANSI/ASHRAE90.1 in computer rooms that have an IT equipment load larger than 10 kW.
- Pump definitions, requirements, and efficiencytables are included in the standard.
- Table F-4, “Residential Furnaces—MinimumEfficiency Requirements for U.S. Applications (see 10 CFR 430),” and Table F-5,“Residential Boiler Minimum Efficiency Requirements for U.S. Applications (see10 CFR 430),” were created for U.S. federally covered furnace products and tospecify USDOE-covered residential water boiler efficiency requirements.
- The efficiency table for liquid-to-liquid heatexchangers was removed.
- Table 6.8.9-17, “Ceiling-Mounted Computer-RoomAir Conditioners—Minimum Efficiency Requirements,” was added.
- Table 6.8.1-16, “Heat-Pump and Heat RecoveryChiller Packages—Minimum Efficiency Requirements,” was added, along with newguidance for heat pump and heat reclaim chillers.
- New information for vacuum insulating glazingwas added to the list of options for section 6.4.5, “Walk-In Coolers andWalk-In Freezers.”
- The fan efficiency grade (FEG) efficiency metricwas replaced with fan energy index (FEI).
- Section, “Fan Motor Selection,” was updatedto increase design options for load-matching variable-speed fan applications.
- Section, “Ceiling Fans,” includes newinformation for reporting fan power.
- Energy recovery information was included forhigh-rise residential buildings.
- New information was added for condenser heat recoveryfor acute care inpatient hospitals.
- The baseline was set for on-site electricitygeneration systems in section 11, “Energy Cost Budget Method.”
- Rules in Normative Appendix G, “PerformanceRating Method,” were clarified when combining multiple thermal zones into asingle thermal block.
- Explicit heating and cooling coefficients ofperformance (COPs) were provided without fan for baseline packaged coolingequipment.
- Rules were added for modeling the impact ofautomatic receptacle controls.
- More specific baseline rules were set forinfiltration modeling.
- Clarification was added on performing plant andcoil sizing.
- Building performance factors were updated.
- Clearer rules were added to how renewables aretreated.
- Numerous updates were added to the rules forlighting modeling.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.1-2019: Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings is available on the ANSI Webstore.
Energy Standard forLow-Rise Residential Buildings
Users should note that there is an exception to thisstandard noted explicitly in its title: low-rise residential buildings. Thepurpose of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.1-2019 is:
“To establish the minimum energy efficiency requirements of buildings other than low-rise residential buildings.”
Low-rise residential buildings are defined here as:
“single-family houses, multifamily structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes), and manufactured houses (modular).”
Energy efficiency guidelines for these buildings arespecified in a separate document, ANSI/ASHRAE/IES90.2-2018: Energy-Efficient Design Of Low-Rise Residential Buildings, whichis also available on the ANSI Webstore.
If you’d like to learn more about this standard, please refer to our post ANSI/ASHRAE 90.2-2018: Energy-Efficient Design Of Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
Changes to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016
While not as significant of a revision of the 2018 edition and now superseded by the current standard, the 2016 revision of this standard also underwent some changes that might be relevant to current users.
These changes include a one-column format, italicized defined terms, table format alterations to provide contrast between rows, and a clear separation, through indentions and a smaller font , of exceptions mentioned for particular specifications in the document.
There also were modifications made to the technical provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES STANDARD 90.1-2016. These relate to building envelopes (addition of verification in support of reduced air filtration and increased stringency for metal building roof and walls), lighting (recognizing LED as a common application of current lighting design), mechanical requirements (addition of chilled-water plant metering and elevator efficiency), and energy cost budget (ECB) and modeling (changes to Appendix G).
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